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My journey began 24 years ago.Throughout my childhood and teenager years I was engulfed with endless answers to the questions, "WHY"? Why was I without a father,compared to all of my friends? Why did I have to go without a father to take me on daughter/father functions ? I wondered why my father was not there to tell me about the "birds and the bees" after I began to like boys. I wondered why I dated older men and was attracted to them. I thought about 1 Corinthians 13:11" When I was a child,I spoke as a child; I understood as a child,I thought as a child, but when I became a man, I put away childish things." I tried to move on but I still felt a huge void in my life. I was like a puzzle with a missing piece. My life was not complete. I remained obedient,hopeful, and prayed to God daily. I asked Him to allow me to connect with my biological father. I battled many disappointments: no response to mail, phone calls,or visits.Yet, I kept my faith and persevered with an assurance I would meet my father one day. I met a man in 1997 named Derick Gibbs. He was there for me during many tearful, restless and fatherless nights. i truly love ,admire and appreciate my husband for understanding, encouraging and supporting me at the most difficult time in my life. My husband embraced me with laughter and said,"I understand but it is time to grow up baby; you can call me daddy. Just smile." I appreciated and loved my husband for all the support he had given me but I still wanted the love of my natural father. My long journey and search ended in June 2009 while attending a business trip in North Carolina. My prayers was finally answered. I finally made contact with my father. We met and hugged each other. Words can not adequately express the joy, serenity and completeness I experienced deep inside. To you Daddy, from your baby girl.I love you. I forgive you for all the years we missed together. I need you and you need me. We are family!

Finding Daddy

SKU: 364215375135191
  • AUTHOR: Dr. Renita Gibbs

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For Dr. Renita Gibbs

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